TGIF My Friends

Janine J.
on 10/2/08 10:46 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Wow sleepy heads....I am running seriously late and here no one has made the morning post!!!


So are you all glad it is FRIDAY???? I sure know I am!! I have no intentions of working this weekend as for one I need a break and two I have friend coming for the weekend. I just need some fun and relaxation!


What is going for you weekend plans!!!!


Love you all and take care of yourselves they way we are supposed!!!!


PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 10/2/08 11:06 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

Well it goes without saying that I will be taking it easy this weekend, well the next week (see my post). I will go in this morning and get things together for my classroom.  My dad is coming in this weekend.  It was his plan to come visit my nephew and make a stop to see us also but since my nephew has no where for him to bed down he is going to make it a day trip (el cajon) and spend the weekend with us.

Everyone enjoy the weekend


(deactivated member)
on 10/2/08 11:13 pm - Palmdale, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,
It is friday and I am thanking God.  It has been a long ass week.  I am tired its been a long week.  Had to take the bike to the Dr.  It looks like she broke her arm.  They are giving her a new shifter as she is under warranty until next month.  Thank God.  I am now worried about the other arm.  The are going to put a different Beth came over.  She has a Jack Russell Terrier (hes a puppy).  He is so darn cute.  Well, he and Harvery ( my fur grandson) played the entire time that they were here.  It was so hysterical. Pete took Harveys bone and they chased each other around my dining room and family room.  It was hysterical.  When it was time to leave and my son put the leash on Pete Phillip started to walk and he turned around Pete was just out.  Flat out so tired he wouldn't even walk.
Of course we have on going Lindsey drama too.  She and the boyfriend broke up.  She broke it off this week with him.  I am sure hopiing that it is for good. She gave him back all the gifts that he gave her ( fool).  Surprisingly, she was not hysterical this time.  I am truly hoping that this one is over for good finally.  I am exhausted by it.  She needs to move on and not have a boyfriend for about 50 or so years.  All I can say is UGH to teen angst.
I do not know how all you teachers can stand to see it day in and day out.  Crying girls, pissed off boys or whatever it is that they all do. .... UGH!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I am needing to get rinsed off so I can face the day and not assault anyone with my offensive body odor.
Have a good one.  Be safe, take your vitamins, and stay hydrated.
Living Life
on 10/2/08 11:32 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Janine and ALL you wonderful calif. peeps..

This past week, we had a patient that the Dr, would let go home if she had someone that would be willing to take care of her. After making about million calls, mom, dad, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, friends, she was still unable to find ONE person willing to sign for her. OMG! how sad is that? You can truly tell how blessed you when others will open the door and welcome you without a second thought. Now that is a true sign of wealth. I know for a fact, Liz would drive the 2 hours to sign me out. I think Steve and D would do the same. Sherrise for sure, Kevin and/or his mom. My sisters also. Cyndi would also. Soooooo many others. I am blessed.

I wish you all a great day. Take it easy, start relaxing for the week. did it go yesterday??????

on 10/2/08 11:41 pm - CA
yeah it's friday... i get to take my youngst out to get some clothes...woohoo.. i love shopping..and then tonight i'm going to help my bf at work... what a drag.. but it's something to do.. i'm gonna make us a little picnic to eat there at work...i think i'm gonna make us some orange chicken and so pasta for him and some veggies...well i'll let you guys know how it want tomarrow... everyone have a great day...
on 10/3/08 12:22 am - Northern (Sacramento area), CA
Hey Janine and Cali,

TGIF for sure!  Work has been SOOOOO busy.  Got to the gym twice this week. The morning after my second gym visit, had gained 2 lbs.  It's so frustrating that this happens to me. Everyone says it's muscle...yeah right.  I've been pretty good with the no reason for the 2lbs.

Anyway, looking forward to taking it easy this weekend I hope.  I'm just so tired with all the work stuff...but THANK GOD I have a job....I'm so blessed...we may complain about our jobs....but just remember, there is someone else that wishes they had a steady remember that...I remind myself all the time; which gives me such a different outlook on working everyday.

Anyway how, have a fab Friday and hopefully I"ll have a little good news in the scale department next week.

PEACE,   Harriet



Jean L.
on 10/3/08 12:23 am - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and crew
Yep Ifor one was a sleepy head for sure this morning - slept until almost 7....I guess it was the babysitting yesterday...I took care of my 3 1/2 year old great niece and she is such a trip....I just have to share the funny thing she said to me (gotta love the honesty of youth).  She was holding my arm (above my elbow or as we all know it the bat wings) and then she kind of squeezed and kept doing it.  THen she looks at me very seriously and says "Aunt Jeannie - why are your arms so squisshy".  Now how do you explain to a 3 yr old about losing weight and escess just said well Aunt Jeannie just has lots of skin.  Well needless to say every time she sat down next to me she was enamored with the squishy arm....

So today for me is just dentist then home to rest...
Everyone have  a great friday and a great weekend.
on 10/3/08 12:36 am - San Dimas, CA


My husband and I are going to our grandson's school this morning...because they are celebrating Grandparents day, then were going to take him to lunch, then they will take me to the airport since I am flying to Reno this afternoon for work....I have a conference until next Thursday.  I am so looking forward to, relaxation, and more fun!!!

Well, I hope you all have wonderful day!!!


Janel B
on 10/3/08 12:48 am - Oakley, CA
Morning Friend!

Been up since 5am. Went to 3 Starbucks to get boxes for the move...Friday is our plant order day, and we have some perfect boxes for moving. Plus I was able to visit my boss and a friend at another store.

Today I'm finally getting my hair's been 3 months, and I have WAY too much  gray showing!

Tomorrow I'm hoping to go to the Meet and Greet coffee in San Jose, but my nurse is coming and I'm not sure what time...........hopefully I'll get to go.

Sunday is church, then just relaxing. I do want to go over to my new place and help my sister unpack things. She is a bit unorganized, and I absolutely cannot live with clutter, so I want to help her out by getting the place ready for when I move my stuff in the end of the month!!!

Have a great weekend!
on 10/3/08 1:28 am - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
I am glad you are taking the weekend off!! You have been working your butt off. As for me I wish I could say it was Friday, but I work the next 2 days and beyond that I have no clue. I hate that they are only doing the schedule a week at a time. Oh well next Wednesday is my last day there. So I am probably working straight through. I have Thursday off to switches modes then Friday is my Sheriffs orientation!!! Ya!!
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Relax and enjoy your selves. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

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